Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Chinese Eaglewood Wood by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Dynamic Headspace Sampling automatic sequential air sampler 动态顶空进样-气质联用法分析国产沉香化学成分自动连续空气抽样器
Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere of China Cities Using PUF-Passive Air Sampler 利用PUF大气被动采样技术监测中国城市大气中的多环芳烃
Influence of volume of air flow on efficacy of air microorganism sampler with a microporous film 空气流量对微孔滤膜空气微生物采样器采样效果的影响
Centrifuge-type air microorganism sampler was used to carry out simulated on-the-spot monitoring of negative-pressure ward and its accessory area in order to establish air disinfection quality monitoring measures for negative-pressure ward. 采用离心式空气微生物采样器对负压病房及其附属区域进行模拟现场监测,以建立负压病房空气消毒质量监控措施。
Samples of air on SARS ward was collected using 8-grade Andersen air microorganism sampler. Condensation water of air conditioner and dust samples on air conditioner filter were collected. SARS coronavirus in samples was examined using routine reverse transcription PCR. 采用8级安德森空气微生物采样器对SARS病房中空气进行采样、收集空调器冷凝水和空调器滤网尘土标本,应用常规反转录套式PCR检测样本中SARS冠状病毒。
When measuring humidity by using an air sampler, the result must be revised. The former revision method is only fit for wet and dry bulb hygrometer and is inconvenient. A new method is developed to replace the old one. 空调系统通过取样器测湿时,对结果必须修正.原有修正方法只适用于干湿球湿度计,使用不便.本文提出一种新修正方法,适用于各种类型湿度传感器。
Methods Atmospheric particulates in the atmosphere of Hengyang urban districts were collected using DFJ-1 model five-stage classification air sampler in the winter and summer. The contents of PAHs on different diameter atmosphere particulates were detected by GC-MS. 方法用DFJ鄄1型五段分级采样器采样,用GC鄄MS法测定,分析衡阳市区冬夏两季空气中PAHs在不同粒径颗粒物中的分布。
The number of bacteria collected by Poton air sampler approximated or ex-ceeded that collected by JWL-ⅱ A-type air sampler with increase in total bacterial count of air. Poton空气采样器所采菌量,随着空气细菌总数增多而接近或超过JWL&ⅡA型空气采样器者。
In order to observe the efficacy of multifunctional dynamic germicidal machine in disinfection of indoor air on ward, air microorganism sampler was used to collect samples for observation of the disinfection efficacy of the bactericidal machine on the occupied ward. 为观察多功能动态杀菌机对病房内空气的消毒效果,采用空气微生物采样器采样,对该杀菌机在病房内有人在情况下的消毒效果进行了观察。
The Probe into the Existed Problems on the Portable Air Sampler 携带式大气采样器存在问题探讨
The business suites take air-source heat pumps as cold and heat sources, and for individual metering, adopt the central air conditioning metering and charging system based on time equivalent from the sampler on each fan-coil unit. 商务套房采用空气源热泵作为冷热源,为便于分户计量,装设了集中空调计费系统,以每台风机盘管上安装的采样器采集到的时间当量为计费依据。
Study on the method of sampling with two types of air viable sampler 两种空气微生物采样器采样方法的研究
Air Diffusing Type Sampler of Carbon Monoxide Air(初三适用)扩散式CO采样器的研制
Therefore, the systemic evaluation of airborne fungi and mycotoxin in animal raising environment, especially in chicken house, was carried out by use of the internationally standard air sampler and advanced trace mycotoxin detection technology. 为此,本文采用国际标准空气采样器和国际领先的真菌毒素痕量检测技术,对养殖环境,特别是鸡舍真菌气溶胶及其毒素水平进行了系统评估。
After disinfection, the total bacterial count of air decreased and the number of bacteria collected was small by Poton air sampler and still large by plate natural sedimentation. 消毒后空气细菌总数减少,Poton空气采样器所采菌数较少,平板自然沉降所采菌数仍较多。
A model N-2 air diffusing sampler of NO2 was developed. The complex films were used for decreasing the effect of different velocity of wind. Its precision and accuracy are higher than those of model N-1 one. 在N-1型采样器的基础上,使用复合挡风膜降低风速的影响,开发了N-2型空气NO2无动力采样器,它比N-1型采样器的精密度和准确度均有所提高。
The results showed that the total bacterial count of air was high before disinfection and the number of bacteria collected was small by JWL-ⅱ A-type air sampler, next by Poton air sampler and large by plate natu-ral sedimentation. 结果,消毒前空气细菌总数较多,JWL&ⅡA型空气采样器所采菌数较少,Poton空气采样器者次之,平板自然沉降所采菌数较多;
In order to compare the air disinfection efficacy of circulating air disinfection machine and ultraviolet lamp, multigrade impinger type sampler type FA 1 was used for sampling. 为比较循环风消毒机与紫外线灯对空气的消毒效果,用FA&1型多级撞击式采样器进行了采样检测。
A Simple Analysis on Air Quality Data Monitored by Passive Sampler 浅析被动采样器监测环境空气质量数据的可比性
The diversity and concentration of airborne fungi in chicken house were investigated by means of 6-stage Andersen air sampler and common fungal counting media. 采用6级Andersen生物空气采样器和常用真菌计数培养基,对鸡舍空气真菌的浓度和多样性进行了研究。
A New Centrifugal Type LWC-1 of Air Microbe Sampler 新型的LWC-1型离心式空气微生物采样器
The problems existed in the portable air sampler is summarized through practice, and make an exhaustive study on the improve method. 通过实践总结出携带式大气采样器存在的问题,并对其改进方法做了详细的研究。
Taking aerosol automatic analyser of TST company and air microbe sampler of FA-1 type to determine the sample. 用TIS公司的气溶胶自动分析仪和FA-1型空气微生物采样器对样品测定结果表明,上午9:00室外大气颗粒物浓度高于室内,不宜开窗;
Use of carbon molecular sieve as adsorbent for sample collection in the determination of c_6 to c_8-benzenoid hydrocarbons in air calibration for collection efficiency of total airborne tritium sampler 用碳分子筛TDX-01作吸附剂分析测定大气中超痕量的C6-C8苯系物空气总氚采样器的采样效率刻度
Air samples were collected by high volume sampler. Total dust was weighed and content of enzyme analyzed by ELISA. 用大容量采样器采集空气样品,称重法测定洗衣粉粉尘含量,酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA法)分析酶含量;
Methods: Airborne bacteria were collected using the air microorganism sampler Merck-100 inside of the building. 方法:使用德国默克公司Merck-100冲击式微生物采样器分别在不同时间以及不同地点对楼内空气中细菌进行采样,样本进行细菌培养计数和革兰染色。
The topic of the research is the collection of various iodine species in atmosphere by speciation air sampler, and the iodine determination using hydrolysis-catalytic spectrophotometry. 本实验通过大气分级采样器采集空气中各种形态的碘,采用高温热水解-催化分光光度法测定。
Hence, air samples were collected using an improved high volume active air sampler August, 2008 to July, 2009 in Lanzhou City. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs) in both gas and particle phases were measured. 因此,本文利用改进型的大流量主动采样器,于2008年8月到2009年7月对兰州市大气样品进行采集,并检测了气相和颗粒相中的多环芳烃(PAHs)的浓度。